Belaynesh Gada
![Belaynesh Gada](/sites/default/files/official/bel%202.jpg)
Curriculum vitae /cv/
personal detail;-
Full Name;---Belaynesh geda kitesa
Trade and Marketing Department Head
Age;- 31
sex;- Female
Marital status; - Single
Nationality;- Ethiopian
Place of birth;- Hawassa
Address;- Hawassa
Educational back ground ;-
Elementary school :- Tabor Elementary school
Secondary school :- Tabor secondary and preparatory school
Certificate/diploma in:- Debube Ethiopia college in field of Language strem
Degree/in Hawassa university in field ofEnglish language of Literature
MA/MS in Arba mince university in field of tedening Engilsh as a forich language (TEFL)
Phd in----------------------------------- university in field of -----------------------------
Work Experience and work areas
From-Ihave 3 years’ Experience at school teaching in Hawassa city Tulla sub-city
From I have a(two) years Expriance at Director (principal) of school in Hawassa city Tulla sub-city.
From Ihave 1 year Experience at women league aledding 2 managing In Hawassa city Tulla sub-city
From Istay in ayears at MA(masters) Education in Arba minchi university
In generally I have 10 years work expriences in professiona5(five) and inleadership 5(five) -------/.
Total experience ---------------
Languages skill
Sidamign:-Listening tiwent speaking reading and wring
Amharic:- Listening twent speaking teading and writing
Engilish:- Listening, speaking, reading & writing
Reading any books.
Waching TV
Enioying & doing same thing at home.
/Name of university/college-Arba minch University
Phone-09 23 93 90 92 Email addressanto arkato @amu.eduet