Dr. Berhanu Desalegn

Dr. Berhanu Desalegn
Office head
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1. Back ground
Bachelor Degree in Educational Planning & Management from Hawassa university
Diploma in Biology from Arba minch college
2. Work Experience and work areas
From:- 1995 E.C up to 1998 E.C In Teaching
From:- 1999 E.C up to 2001 E.C School principal
From:- 2001 E.C up to 2005 E.C Cluster supervisor & Educational Experts
From:- 2003 E.C up to 2005 E.C Educational experts
In generally I have 11 years work experince in professional and in leadership
Total 19 experience
Phone 09 12 05 07 42 Email addressdestadaniel 72 @ gmail .com